
5月, 2021の投稿を表示しています


  Hello. I'm Foot Piano. It's raining in Osaka too. The rainy season starts earlier than usual. The weather was rainy today as well. Today I will talk about my work. I work in chemical analysis. I am in the department that analyzes the ingredients in the drug under development. I've been doing this job for almost 20 years, so I'm honestly tired of it. I used to work overtime a lot, but now I think that overtime is bad, so I try not to work overtime as much as possible. Japan is low in productivity, and if my productivity is low, I think my children will be low in productivity. It makes me wonder if I shouldn't hurt my children. The goal was to finish the work on time, and the idea of ​​self-actualization at work has disappeared. After finishing work on time, I came home early, and now I have time to practice the piano (although it's about an hour). I have more time to practice the piano, so I'd like to see my piano improve a little more, but that's not t


  Hello, I'm Foot Piano. Today I will talk about cooking. I cook on my days off. My hobby is not cooking. Cooking as housework. For 5 family members, we cook simple noodles during the day and 2 kinds of side dishes and soup at night. On Sundays, I also make side dishes for the next day's lunch. It's hard to make for 5 people, but I like to think about the menu myself. The reason is that you can include what you want to eat in the menu. I think I'm pretty happy to make and eat what I want to eat. Currently, I am cooking with cheap ingredients using cheap seasonings in consideration of my household budget, but if I can afford it, I want to use it with the seasonings I want to use without having to put up with money. Cook using ingredients. That is my pleasure in the future. You may think that my enjoyment is modest. Does anyone know who you are? That's all for today. Today's song Keith Jarrett Trio - My Back Pages - YouTube See you!!   こんにちは. 僕はFoot Pianoです. 今日は料理

Bye bye Blackbird

  Hello everyone. I'm Foot Piano. Ibaraki city had cloudy weather today. The number of rainy days is increasing, and I feel that the rainy season is approaching. Today I will talk about my practice of playing the piano. I am practicing Jazz piano. The song is Bye bye Blackbird from Miles Davis' album, with Red Garland playing the piano. I am practicing the score for that song. Red Garland is famous for playing his block chords. Since it is a method of spreading your hands and hitting the keyboard repeatedly, extra force will be applied and the sound will become dirty. But Red Garland's performance is very elegant. I would be very happy if I could make a sound that is as close to Red Garland as possible. Also, I was surprised that Red Garland played the eighth note phrase with a rhythm closer to quadruple rather than triplet. You can understand it by slowing down the song and listening to it. I am practicing this song for the summer piano recital. That's all for today

Future predictions

  Hello everyone. This is Foot Piano. Ibaraki city had good weather. I hope there will be sunny days. Today I will talk about future predictions. Atsuhiko Nakata, a comedian and youtuber, introduced a book "Future Predictions for 2040" written by Makoto Naruke on his youtube program. He mainly talked about communication technology, and the ones that left a strong impression on me were as follows. ・ The era of 6G will come in 2030 (G is predicted to change in the past 10-year cycle) ・ About 5 years after the introduction, it will be popularized to the general public (so 5G will be popularized around 2025) Also, in the history so far, when it appeared as a new technology, many were rejected at first (eg camera (Isn't the camera taking the soul?), movie theater (It's not worth going to a place where no one is actually acting like a play) etc.). Based on the above, if you are thinking of starting a business in Second Life, why not look for new technologies that everyone i

Children's Day

  Hello everyone. This is Foot Piano. It was raining all day in Ibaraki city today. In Japan, today (May 5th) is considered to be Children's Day, and on that day, we eat rice cakes that are steamed with bamboo leaves called "chimaki" and rice cakes with bean paste sandwiched between kashiwa leaves called "kashiwa mochi".  I have three children (an 18 year old man, a 16 year old man and a 14 year old woman) and I went to buy chimaki and kashiwa mochi in the downpour for the children. But the kids didn't seem to be interested in Children's Day, rice dumplings, or kashiwa mochi. My wife was most happy to eat mochi. The children were at home all day playing with their smartphones and tablets. Since the state of emergency for the spread of the new coronavirus infection was issued, it may be good for children to stay in the house all the time in order to prevent the spread of the infection, but the children do not study at all and smartphones The children were
Good evening everyone! I’m Foot Piano. How are you guys doing? Here, Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan is at night (20:00). I would like to talk a little about where I live. A river called Ai River runs right next to my house. The riverbed is well maintained, and people living nearby are jogging, walking, and playing catch on the riverbed. I am also jogging on the riverbed. I really like here now. I will introduce a book "Have poison in yourself" written by Taro Okamoto today as well What impressed me was a passage  "Only ego humans can be happy." Why can only ego humans be happy? It may be that even if your own home is wealthy and your family is happy, you may be experiencing bloody suffering in the next home.  To be happy is to ignore the predicament of the house next door.  Therefore, Taro Okamoto says, "Only ego humans can be happy." I think it is important that I should be happy to help others,  Therefore, I am aware that I am happy and want to co
Hello everyone! Are you all doing well? I’m Foot Piano. Nice to meet you. I live in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. I’m 48 years old. I started this blog because I wanted to output it for my second life. Let’s get started! I’m reading a book called "Bring Poison to Yourself" written by Taro Okamoto. Taro Okamoto is a japanese artist who has died. He is not in the world, but his words are clearly alive and blast me. I was shocked by the passage in the book. Never say "It's still not good now, but someday" That’s because it's a line that people who aren't responsible for themselves now say. I never thought I would be responsible for myself now. I’m not happy with myself now, but I’ve lived by telling myself that my life isn’t bad. I’m almost 50 years old and I can see my old age. Even more recently, I wanted to live calmly. Is that OK? Absolutely not OK. Life is only once. And I don’t want to regret my life. In the old days, I think I felt more poss